No payment has gone through so far

CSR-582 Re: top up

Personally I have no faith on cellnuvo at all by now. They did not show any sincerity in funding my lines. I have lost my numbers many times. They just pretend to work on it but close ticket without resolving the problem. They disgust me.

Last night in two and a half men there was a remark ---

Oh God, look at the size of your ass!

Hungry-Hog Okay from what I understand you currently have a redpocket account that is stuck on "needs initial refill"

Having been stuck with the same status myself for 7 weeks and having been in contact with Tom about it without any success I can tell you it is a major issue that redpocket and cellnuvo have struggled to fix. For some reason the new app bill payment system fixed my issue. So not sure why it won't work for you.

I suggest:

  1. That you make one more attempt to fund the account with 10 gold from within the app. In 24 hours submit a new ticket and just say (and nothing more):

I have tried to fund my redpocket account with 10 gold and it has not processed please help.
redpocket phone number: XXX-XXXX-XXX
Cellnuvo account number:

See what they say. If you are still having trouble after a week send me the ticket number and I will ask one of the people who helped me to see if they can assist you.

or 2. You fund the account yourself with $10 to kick start it. Redemptions via cellnuvo should then work. Plus if you still can't get the phone to work the redpocket will be obliged to assist you since you paid them for service.

Need initial refill is no longer a problem because about one week after I topped up with 10 golds, celluvo marked my ticket as done AND resolved then my phone was kicked out of rp for no-payment. Now my redpocket line is closed, so is my ticket.

Okay I see. Whilst I understand your frustration I don't believe that anyone is intentionally trying to screw you over. You and only you. Yes someone at cellnuvo may have screwed up big time and resolved your ticket prematurely. Are you sure that it wasn't the other way round - that cellnuvo closed the ticket because the line was already closed by redpocket? You would expect that support would have checked the status before marking it as done. But then again support has been hit or miss so anything is possible.

Whoever fault it was I too was out of service for about as long as you with the need initial refill so I know it isn't a run of the mill issue that is easily solved. I had people working on it for weeks. I highly doubt they are ignoring your payment requests but were instead running into some issue that needed someone higher up to resolve.

But that is all moot as the only thing that matters is what you can do about it. I don't think there is anything that cellnuvo can do for you at this point without a line available. They can't reopen a closed account and cellnuvo aren't going to open up a new one on your behalf. Have you contacted redpocket to see if they can reopen the line? Redpocket are in charge of the lines so only they can fix that. Maybe they will open a new one for you if you ask them nicely. Try a few different reps.

Your only other options are either to open a new line yourself and go from there. Or to walk away and call it quits with redpocket. Your gold will stay available and maybe someday there will be a redemption option that will work for you.

I tried the 'shotgun approach' in wishing for some assistance for Hungry-Hog, and send the same email plea to several addresses.

I've received 2 replies: This one from Support:

"CellNUVO commented:

You can pass this info along- Here is how to begin if hungry hog has earned silver/gold through the cellnuvo app:
Contact Red Pocket at Red Pocket Mobile Contact us. He will have to get them to get a number to either Needs Initial Refill or Active status. Once he has a phone number, he can pay the bill through the updated cellnuvo app. Here are the steps to do so:

In the updated cellnuvo app: Go to store
Go to Pay My Red Pocket
Enter in account info (Red Pocket phone number)
Enter in the amount you want to pay red pocket - if you want a $10 plan, enter 10 gold for example (you can view Red Pocket’s plans on their site).
Click start purchase
That should allow him to pay for the monthly bill using his earned gold. Thank you and happy holidays!"

Nothing really new here that we weren't aware of, although it's all in one place.
Notably: the RP account must show status as Active or Needs Initial Refill. And it recommends using the RP phone number as the 'account number' in the transfer request.

The second reply was from Tom-- I'm going to forward it via PM to Hungry-Hog, because it's an offer of assistance rather than including any information of general interest.

Hope it helps, Hungry-Hog!

I am not stupid. I know the essence of time. The ticket was marked done and resolved, and in the following days my redpocket account expiration date was changed twice for unknown reason, then all of a sudden my repocket account was closed, then a few days later my ticket was marked closed.

KentE thanks for your help.
I did all of these before.
After I lost my original phone number, I went without for a while, then mmfacemm reported a successful topup, so I reactivated my account to need initial refill status, but topup with redpocket account number did not go through and cellnuvo robots did not bother to read my emails. When Mark reported requirement of phone number for topup, I topped up with phone number and my ticket was marked resolved and done before my redpocket line was closed, then my ticket was closed.

I am full of frustration, hatred, and disgust now. There is no way that I will go through that like a dumbass again. I simply cannot take this shit anymore. If it plays dumb again I don't know what is next. If cellnuvo has any integrity in doing business, it shall get me a local phone number and fund it instead of making me run around the circle like a fool. After all, it is its fault, and it can fix it easily.

Fine I am done trying.

Did Hungry-Hog ever email chat with Tom? If not this was a huge waste of time.

Did Hungry-Hog try to email Tom?

Do you have any other support tickets from cellnuvo?
I just emailed them back along with your latest summing up of your travails.
I had a number of support tickets unjustly marked closed resolved at ringplus . I was charged twice for a loaner phone. then again when the company closed I had a heck of a time(months) getting my loaner phone refunded after I returned it.
HH Be persistant and courteous with customer service.
There was no way I was going to just let them get away with that. I know they hoped I would just give up in frustration and walk away.
I learned to send a message to support every day requesting that My ticket remain open
Hang In there.
Save copies of everything.
You have gold with cellnuvo.
You had an account with with red pocket waiting to be funded.
Did you fund your redpocket account with your own money at any time while you were waiting for the cellnuvo payment to go through?
One thing I can suggest that has worked for me when dealing with healthcare insurance problems
Call and email, call and and email call and email until you get a cellnuvo rep who is competent.
THEN have them set up a three way conversation with YOU and cellnuvo and redpocket and be prepared to stay on the phone/chat email for hours or as long as it takes till they get it resolved,
You have the attention from someone at cell nuvo now.

From KentE "The second reply was from Tom-- I'm going to forward it via PM to Hungry-Hog, because it's an offer of assistance rather than including any information of general interest."

You are getting support from members of this forum.(There IS strength in numbers)
USE that contact at cellnuvo and be persistent till you get it resolved.

I requested another top up to add on to the Jan 17th expiration to add another month to rp 10 gold plan. I got a reply saying it's in the system and wait 24 hours. I put it in yesterday.
"I do see your top up request in our system- can take 24 hours+ to process so please allow some more time- if you do not see it through by tomorrow afternoon, please let me know. Thank you and happy holidays!"

Latest response from cellnuvo regarding hungry hog.

On Wednesday, December 27, 2017, 1:23:57 PM EST, Customer Support Request wrote:

Reply above this line.
CellNUVO commented:

Responded on CSR-700 Waiting for customer with:
"I looked back at CSR-582 Closed CLOSED and I'm not sure how that ticket was closed without resolution. Please have the customer fill out a new customer service request so I may assist as I am unable to open a closed ticket. Looking at his number, it is showing closed on Red Pocket so to begin he will have to contact them to get an active number, then I can give steps to refill the number using the earned gold he has. Thank you.
CellNUVO is unable to assign phone numbers but once you have an active number, I can make sure you have all the information you need to top up. I hope we are able to remedy this for you. Thank you so much.

CellNUVO changed the status to Waiting for customer.

Powered by Jira Service Desk"

I (als) wrote back to cellnuvo

"Thanks for your prompt response, and thanks for taking the time to look thru CSR-676 Hungry-hog.
Do you have any way to facilitate a 3 way conversation with redpocket and Hungry-hog?
His redpocket account was closed due to the delay in cellnuvo crediting golds to his redpocket account, , after many reported attempts to top up his red pocket account with cell nuvo gold.
. Can you facilitate all parties getting together, activating a repocket account and funding that account from his cellnuvo golds? and resolving this once and for all?
Hungry-hog is understandably frustrated. It shows in his comments on nth circle, a public forum. I'm copying the last page of his comments along with the link if you would like to get a feel for the level of frustration this person is experiencing. along with a link to his comments.
Thank you again for your response. Hungry hog has over 200 comments just since Dec 2 on nth circle regarding his frustration trying to pay for his redpocket account with cellnuvo golds.
All us nth circle forum members would appreciate anything you can do to assist hungry hog.
Thank You

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Well in theory it's simple. Hungry hog needs to ask my pocket to make a new phone number. With $10 essentials plan

Then he needs to contact cellnuvo to fund that account.

Red pocket should of suspended any of the 30-day garbage for cellnuvo customers

It apparently takes a fair amount of persistence to get Red Pocket to set up a line ready to accept an initial refill without actually making the initial refill on one's own. It can be done, because others have done it.

I think CellNuvo may be primed to make sure the refill works for Hungry-Hog, if there is a line ready to accept it.

Somehow, CellNuvo needs to address this problem with Red Pocket. It's one thing for those who already have Gold saved up to see that it's worth the effort, but I imagine a new customer would find it even less acceptable.

I have also NOT had successful redemptions with CellNuvo.. After multiple failed attempts using the CellNuvo app to pay my Redpocket Account which was eventually closed due to lack of payment, I opened up a new Redpocket account and paid for the $10 plan in hopes that I would now have sucess in paying with the app.

I have sent multiple payment request through the app for the past 3 days with no success. CN support has been no help as they keep telling me that payment should post to Redpocket in 24 hours (which it has not)

See? That is why I would rather pay $10 for my tello account. If cellnuvo does not fund your account will you pay redpocket $10 again? For the sane reason I feel hesitant to activate my line again, because cellnuvo will refuse to fund my line and it would be kicked out of redpocket, then what next? Reactivate the line and repeat the same crap?

It cellnuvo wants to make things right, it would activate your line and fund it.

Mine took somewhere between 2-4 days-- but that was over Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Some have guessed that a later request 'kicks out' an earlier request still in the queue, so maybe it's better to allow a little more time before repeating the request?

Are you using the Red Pocket phone # for the "account number" field in the app? That seems to be the current advice, rather than the Red Pocket 'Account Number' listed in the RP dashboard.

I am using the RedPocket Phone # when attempting to pay through the app.