Breaking News: CV line active on Red Pocket / Sprint with new number

you can go to Red POckets site and activate it there with the MEID code.

I may run into problems since we don't know if activations are different from cellnuvo and red pocket, if I activated it like that it may be treated as an individual line. I.e a non cellnuvo line. Unless you did it like that then tell us.. It might help..

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What is the code for a carrier reset?

I am sure I am not the only one who forgot.

I've done that. Still hasnt worked for me. Should I contact red pocket instead?

Its ##72786#. But it didn't work for me.

Depends on your phone. For many it is ##72786#. My Moto G4 is ##72786## though. Look up your phone online and type carrier reset or something like that in the Google search.

Thank You very much. That is what I remember

I got a very quick email response from CellNUVO about having the wrong phone number assigned to our device.

Try looking it up online for your phone. My Moto G4 has a different code.

no I mean it updated it, but I keep getting the welcome to red pocket. I supposed my only options are to wait a bit longer/bother nuvo support a bit more until I can get a straight answer :frowning:

Oh okay, sorry--I misinterpreted your post that the carrier reset code didn't work.

I tried carrier reset as well but still did not work. I guess the best option would be to wait for few days.

I wouldn't contact redpocket if you have issues or try anything with redpocket. You'll get yourself into a deeper mess in my opinion.

Cellnuvo are still working on some accounts that are not working. Plus they are still in the final stages of the transition so some things are not working. Keep trying and like me you'll just have to be patient another day or so.

I've contacted them via live chat and they got my line up and running. YMMV.

What information did you have to provide?

This still seems like the wrong way to go about it to me, since Red Pocket support wasn't even aware of the merger/takeover the last time I messaged them. Hopefully your account doesn't get into a deeper mess. Any details on what happened with yours and the chat would be good data points to reference though I guess.

For most android's ##72786#. Samsung uses a slightly different version, perhaps #*#72786# ??
(Google search "carrier reset" "my phone manufacturer and model #" should find it pretty easily)
I think the multi-carrier Moto G4/E4 series uses the 'other' format, too.

Don't use the 3-digit reset you might find listed! (##786# or variant) which is the full phone reset & will wipe personal data & apps.

the rep I talked with already knew about the merger but I told him anyways. He asked for the new phone number that was provided by redpocket and the last 4 digits of the DEC from my device for verification. Other than that I waited about 10 minutes and he added the credits to my account.

Sadly I didn't save the chat transcript, sorry.

My Samsung S5 uses ##72786#.

Ting has a pretty good guide on how to Carrier Reset. I didn't have to use my MSL to Carrier Reset but YMMV.