What kind of phone is needed for FreeUp?

what do you think "the gray stopper" refers to?

Yes, this may be a job for my nephew!

Not sure, but the gray stopper could be the sort of capital I shaped piece that the sim card goes under.

I'm not much good with color, but....

I think the grey stopper may be just behind the SIM in the picture (below and to the right of the SIM), the small tab in the recess in the pan. It's to stop the SIM from sliding out of the holder. When installing the SIM, you might need to apply slight downward pressure on the top of the SIM as it passes over that bar to keep it depressed, as it would tend to raise the SIM above the metal SIM guard/holder. (Not the best design, since the metallic traces would be scraping over that bar.

Oh maybe it refers to the floor of the SIM card slot. This way (pressed down) the floor doesn't push the SIM card up and above the bar that sits on top of the SIM card slot. There is something like a latch on the floor of the SIM card slot.

I think you're right KentE. I didn't see that in the video simulation. Everything does look a little gray.

Yes, thank you.

I'm sick and tired of the drive to keep making things smaller and smaller. It keeps making things more and more difficult. For me! :slight_smile:

Another thought--if the nano size SIM is stuck way in there, or at an odd angle....
From the picture in your post above, see the small metal tabs at the bottom of the SIM slot? Those are frequently small leafs of copper, attached at only one end. It's possible for one to become hooked behind the too-small SIM, locking it into place-- and making it hard to get the SIM out without mangling the leaf contact.

Look with a magnifier, and if it appears this is happening, you may need to insert a very thin, but stiff, piece of plastic --underneath-- the SIM, so the SIM will slide over those contacts without catching. One source: some bottled products (household cleaner spray bottles, for example) have a shrink-wrap plastic for the printed label, instead of ink printing. Use a sharp knife to slice it and peel it off the bottle, and then cut a flat strip just slightly narrower (and considerably longer) than the SIM slot, and insert it under the SIM and over the leaf springs. It might take several attempts. Then use the needle suggested to gently drag the SIM over the plastic shim. You might be able to use the needle & gently pull the shim at the same time.

You mean those, right?

I'll take a look,


Yes, exactly.
The cage frame for the SIM looks so open and accessible that it seems it should be possible to tease the nano SIM out pretty easily-- only it's obviously not so easy as it appears, or it would already be out!

If the contact leafs aren't hanging it up, pushing on the edge of the first-inserted end of the SIM from the top side (in the pic) should work it part way out. Use a toothpick, or similar, and work back and forth across the leading edge to keep it moving straight. (I use the plastic 'toothpick' from a Swiss Army knife, since it's shape makes it easier to manipulate without rolling.)

Once the metal crossbar gets in the way of pushing further, there should be enough sticking out the last-inserted end to grasp it by the outer edges with fingernails acting as tweezers/pliers. You'll slip off several times, and then it will grip and come out. If you need to use the needle/pin trick to tease it out further, angle the needle/pin/pocketknife blade so that you're pushing into the sim, and try to keep it centered to keep the too-small SIM from cocking to either side, or push again from a different point. (Again, it probably won't work the first time or 2 you try, then it magically well. Just keep teasing it.)

You're not likely to hurt anything with the needle/pin trick. Almost the entire thickness of the SIM card is just the plastic backing to keep it stiff. The actual working part is the metallic pattern on the bottom of the card, and it's only about as thick as aluminum foil..

The nano SIM is out! It was not stuck/hooked in the copper contacts. The needle trick worked. Actually, I couldn't find a needle and used a very very thin flathead screwdriver. I'm not sure but I think they call them screwdriver blades. Anyway, afterwards I put the nano SIM in the micro SIM "ring" (not the full SIM ring) and I inserted it very easily into the SIM card slot.

Unfortunately the phone said 'No SIM card'. I may have destroyed the SIM card! I'll take a look again. The Verizon instructions say "With the gold contacts facing the front of the phone, insert or remove the micro SIM card from its slot while pushing down the gray stopper. The indicator is in the top left of the screen." So, I used the micro SIM ring. The Bell.ca instructions say say "Insert the SIM card with the metal contacts facing down, then slide it into the SIM card slot." I don't think you can insert the full SIM card though. The micro SIM fits very snugly. I'll examine the micro SIM now. I'll try to take a pic too.

OK, here's a photo of the XP5 with the micro SIM card inserted:

I insert the battery, boot up and it says 'No SIM card'. I rotated the SIM card 180 degrees and inserted it like that. 'No SIM card' again.

I'll try taking a pic of the SIM card alone.

Here's a photo of the SIM card in the micro SIM "ring":

It has some markings from trying to remove it. Do you think I destroyed it? The other side (with the gold surface/contacts) is unblemished.

I think you put in the sim in reverse. Looking at the word Sim written in the rectangle shape, the 45-degree cut corner is on the upper left corner not the lower right corner as you've inserted. Try to insert as according to the the shape that has the word "Sim" printed in.

If trying various different sim positions and phone still not recognized it, then the sim card may be damaged or defective. Get another one or seller may send you a replacement if you let the seller know about the situation.

I rotated the SIM card 180 degrees and inserted it earlier. No go. I'll try again. I don't have any other SIM cards but I'll ask and I'll have something by tomorrow and try them to see what the phone says. Do they have to be activated?

There's a pretty clear orientation diagram on the phone - looks like it takes a micro SIM with the corner orientated as shown. You had it in sideways LOL

From my 1st post today: "I insert the battery, boot up and it says 'No SIM card'. I rotated the SIM card 180 degrees and inserted it like that. 'No SIM card' again."

Are you talking about a 90 or 180 degree rotation?



The Verizon instructions say "With the gold contacts facing the front of the phone, insert or remove the micro SIM card from its slot while pushing down the gray stopper. The indicator is in the top left of the screen."

Is there enough space for a full size SIM?

My bad, it needs a micro SIM