Refugees Are Welcome Here

Looks like Ting is the partner MVNO

Important tips for soon to be former RingPlus users...

You also posted the same information here:

As a R+ mod, you do realize it is a heinous crime to post (some even call it spam), the same thing in two threads, especially when in one thread (this one), it is off topic?

I forgive you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Before I forget (again) I wanted to thank hungryghost for providing this forum. I really did not want to do the facebook thing, and it's nice having a place where I can cling to that last bit of R+ as the ship starts going underwater. I do appreciate having a place to see familiar names once the R+ site goes down, which I'm guessing will happen this weekend. I'm going to have to find another site to fill that void. :lol:

Would be nice if Karl made it here if he ever recovers and starts again.

Whew! I was worried that I actually might have to start working while at work. Thanks for keeping the distraction going. :silly:

[color=black]Hi everyone! So glad to see so many familiar screennames!

Thank you hungryghost!:)[/color]

Delighted that you have made it here Seh-hee...welcome, from a fellow RP Refugee !!

Thanks hungryghost for making a refuge place for R+ fans.

You're welcome!

FYI: It sounds like RingPlus will be keeping their Social forum up, even after they shutdown. So that's good news! All previous Social content won't be disappearing. Even so, everyone is still welcome here. Lady Liberty never turns her back! :slight_smile:

im not good at making up usernames so i figured people already know me by this one so its here too.

Welcome ferocious-onyx....!

Just something to keep in mind (for everyone): Usernames are FIXED here, meaning you can't change it once you've opened your account.

If anyone has naming remorse though, and would prefer a name change, go ahead and let me know via my contact form (Contact Us - Nth Circle), and I can change it for you on the backend.

too funny! :slight_smile:

thanks for the tip and the welcome. i have no problem keeping this name. however i welcome nicknames if anyone comes up with a suitable one.

FOGI (I'd pronounce it foggy) sorry couldn't resist :silly:

LOL!!! see it didnt take long.

Heheheh I've been doing that with most people with the RP generated names. Whenever possible, I've made acronyms, so in my head, I've been calling you that for awhile :smiley:

Nooooooo!!!! Not the dreaded back end.

Next thing you'll do is put up a San Francisco office address and number that turns out to be a virtual office service for $100 a month and outsource your communications to a failed student of English in Timbuktu.

It's a slippery slope!

Having had the opportunity to interact on work matters with "students" for whom English was not a native language from many different countries, including Mali, I would happily take my chances in dealing with any of them rather than contend with certain native speakers of English who routinely produce documents, supposedly in that language, on a website with which I, on basis of evidence and belief, think you may be familiar.

Ain't that the truth! :dry: Just kidding. Well, I work with a bunch from Serbia who do very good, and, I have worked with many an Indian (country) who were pretty good at their craft, but, were initially very difficult for me to understand. I don't like insulting people, intentional or not, and, all I could think of when I didn't understand a single English word they were saying was "send me an email".