Live in a box(truck)?

Nifty - and also unlikely to be either geographically or financially within reach for someone who needs a box with wheels to live in...

Every time that I see this thread's title it comes to mind that most folks (at least here in amurrikka) already live in many variations of boxes - be they wooden, brick, concrete, etc...

I've lived in metal boxes with wheels at different times of my life previously - the last of which being only 13' x 6.5' inside and quite sufficient for my needs - for almost 8 years.
If I could do that again I would - but in a better/quieter location and only -IF- the world at large gets loads closer to having normal supplies at the grocery stores again...ever.

The great thing about living on wheels is that you can just drive and live on a farm and pay the farmer a few bucks a day for all you can pick vegetables. :slight_smile: Some of them are turning the crops back into the ground because they either dont have enough help to pick or dont have a way to get it to market.

I'm guessing I'd be OK living in a box.
Spent many years living / voyaging on sailboats of various sizes. Some was paid time on OPB, larger ones often quite comfy vs. living & passaging on a 23'.

Yep, another box alternative. :wink:

That would be pure luxury living.

No way I'd want to wander away from protected water in that, offshore passage? No way, but for sounds / rivers looks like you'd be quite comfy. Given what the price if that thing would be I'd hope so. Probably a great work around for areas with restrictive shore / seabed zoning / rules

Cool! Some cruising memory stories from Atchafalya. It wasn't much different in the Caribbean

I can't imagine feeling at ease that I could safely transit either of those boxes safely from one Caribbean island to another. I mean, pick the right day and you'll probably make it the 90 miles from Antigua to Guadeloupe but it would be heart in hand vs. even a small keel boat.
Even Drake channel (Virgin Islands, sailing kindergarten) would be scary on an average day.
I guess my preference/bias runs towards something I can voyage safely offshore in. Doesn't have to be big, I've done 800+ nm legs in a 23'.

Live in an EV Van! :slight_smile:

Well, this is interesting for camping...

You can literally live in this one, comes with solar panel so you have power too!

Another option for a very spacious setup is coming available.

The very large battery bank will pretty much allow you to live off grid. Live in a 20 ft trailer that you take with you. Charge when you are in town every few weeks.

500 miles still seems limited, especially for a semi, and considering how long it will take to charge. But perhaps I'm misunderstanding how semi travel works. Is 500 miles (or less) a typical trip for a semi?

I also wonder how long the 500 mile range will last. For example, when the semi is 2 years old, will the range still be 500 miles?

As neat as battery powered vehicles seem, I still worry about WHERE the battery raw materials are coming from, and exactly how the batteries will be disposed of at end of life. Not to mention the coal powered electric plant capacity...

Seems the batteries are lasting too long. Tesla has been mass producing EVs since 2012.

Coal plant, what year are you in? LOL

Have your own energy storage. Live in comfort!

Wow, 250 mile range so it's actually usage for traveling. Otherwise, great place to live as it is fully powered.