Let's get rid of that stupid whirlpool kiip

That ancestry kiip offers two silvers but never allows me to claim.

This Dr. Pepper ad doesn't pay because, "Uh oh. There seems to be a problem."

I'm going to try that when my employees ask for their paychecks, tomorrow. We'll see how it works.

I tried this tactic with my foreman, he was not amused. I however thought it was very funny!

This is not Exxon fault. I am pretty sure this is CN problem, they refuse to fix.

Refuse or Can't? I agree this is taking way toooooo long. I sent emails to Tom and Support. Got the "we forward the issue" Kind of ridiculous

Unless something's changed, CN doesn't provide the ads-- those are passed along from a 3rd party. My guess is the problem exists further upstream from CN, and someone else has to fix it.
That said, CN is the only entity we can appeal to, and the only entity that can track the issue uphill if the problem exists outside of CN-- so CN should get it addressed, even if it's not technically CN's "to fix"

I think it would be fair for Tom to send all of us 1 to 3 gold for all the NON paying ads

Add target to the list of 0 silver ads.

Also 2 Lows adds not paying.

Ancestry, Dr pepper, whirlpool, ExxonMobil, target, Lowe's, what else?

Cellnuvo should turn off kiip until everything is back to normal!

On the other hand, don't you realize that cellnuvo has the power to assign the value of an ad? Just like those 30 sec videos, they were 30 points before cellnuvo adjusted them to 15 points. Unless these kiip ads start with zero points, I believe cellnuvo can adjust their value.

5 copper

I hope everyone has sent in support tickets

Add stub hub to no pay list. Emailed stephanie@cellnuvo.com

The Exxon mobil ads I saw today credited. As well as the 150 silver jameson kiip.

Got some stubhub and target ones though worth 0 silver.