CellNuvo App

App info has been corrected to the original information, both lines correct Silver working on both accounts. Fixed somewhere around 0900 EDT.

Actual phone numbers still 331 a/c.

Mines back to normal also on the app

Me too. Everything on the app is back to where they were before.

i am sorry you lost 250,000 silvers. it must be an awful day.

Thanks. But I knew it wasn't mine to keep. Everything on that app was wrong until today.

Getting 1 pointers

Snickers hospital ad giving 30 points. First 30 pointer I've seen in a while.

I just put a bunch of snickers in my catbag. On the way to enlist in the coast guard

Just now I was using Cellnuvo app and the linked update loaded onto the screen. Is this new or has this exact info already been posted? Thanks. https://cellnuvo.com/update.html

Wow, exciting!

"you will now be able to obtain unlimited slow speed data plans, or unlimited text, talk, and data. We are also now focused on rolling out our iPhone app, phones for Gold and converting Gold to gift cards."

Hoping for instruction soon on how to switch to GSM carrier...

I believe lexusl21 was the first to post this info back on Aug. 25 in post number #8751


Thanks--it is indeed the same. Funny that it just happened to suddenly appear on my app tonight. Oh well.

I did not notice mentioned of RedPocket... was it just updated?

I just wish they would only put that linked update there when they have a new update. We all seem to be waiting for a real update. It does appear that they are moving along but the silence is deafening. I still have no service on mine but it is a backup and don't want to bother support anymore since I see movement. I think a lot of the problem is coming from RP since both my old and new 331 number shows up on the RP/easy refill site, my old number did not show up before.

What do you expect when Karl is running the CellNUVO communication department? :woohoo:

Yes there has been a slightly detectable movement, hopefully in the right direction. Given this glacial-like progress, I might find that I have progressed to death before all is right in Cellnuvoland.:dry:

Some people have the idea that silence is golden, and Karl, Tom, and Equifax seem to be of that school.

And now add dewey to that list!