Why it is important to make a Google Play Review

I remember hearing chatter that any Google app with a rating lower then 4.0 gets ignored. That there are Google play fanatics and user clubs that ignore apps under 4.0

I watched Big Brother tv show and one of the contestants had a small fitness app on Google play store. A group of trolls that hated this contestant made an effort to lower the apps rating to under 4.0 to hurt this contestant.

As we know in the past cellnuvo had it's own troll base trying to do the same thing to cellnuvo. For a long time cellnuvo rating was under 4.0.

Now recently it is now 4.0

By making a honest review and if your experience has been good. The better the rating the more people will try cellnuvo.

More users is better for all of us. It keeps cellnuvo solvent.

It raises all the pots match/split

And gives Tom a chance to raise payout per ads

Please consider to give cellnuvo a honest Google play review

How do I claim my Split-The-Pot winnings?
Awesome! You won the daily Split-The-Pot.

You will receive an email from Cellnuvo.com indicating that you won. The Silver will not be awarded to you and added to your balance until you claim your prize.

To claim your prize, go on your favorite social media site and post about your big win. Remember, the more people who play the bigger the jackpots will be. Alternatively, you can go to the Google Play Store and leave a review of the CellNUVO app, letting others know you won.

Then email a link or screenshot of your post or the details of your review to: support@cellnuvo.com. We will confirm and then transfer the jackpot to your account.

We have instituted this prize-claiming process primarily to provide complete transparency for all users who participate in the daily Split-The-Pot. Additionally, we want more users participating, so the more people who know about it, the bigger the prize becomes.

CellNuvo also accepts posting here about your win, or on one of the CellNuvo Reddit groups-- and I imagine they'd also welcome a post on Howard Forums, Slickdeals, and of course Facebook, Twitter, etc.