What do you think about the Trump presidency?

I believe it was Confucius, Buddha, or maybe Gandhi, who humbly uttered the well confirmed truth: "it takes one to know one.", while making proclamations on humbleness. I also once had a sagacious professor who said: there is a threefold nature to determining who is a humble person: " what I think a humble person is is, what others think a humble person is, and what an actual humble person is", with the latter naturally being the hardest to ascertain. But "Oldbooks1" idea for a reality show "Only The Humble" may provide the most viable, and entertaining, way for us to actually see in the flesh truly humble people competing with one another. I would suggest a four person panel of judges, composed of well known public figures (Kelly, Donald, Ann{Coulter},and Milos) who would decide who was the truly humblest of the lot. No doubt this would be a huge ratings hit

The " Neurotic or Frugal" show also sounds like a terrific idea, provided that "Chelle" is banned from the competition.

I would not exclude Chelle but would insist that she would be eligible to win only one of the two prizes which would, of course, apply to all contestants anyway.

There is a famous expression in Irish:

Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile

It means one beetle recognizes another. Certainly, that seems reasonable but I have often wondered who came up with this concept and why.

It is fair to say that I have not always extolled the President Trump's virtues and at times have even suggested he may have some flaws.

However, no one can argue about his extraordinary leadership on work/family balance issues. Here his critics are simply wrong.


We all know about Bring Your Daughter to Work Day (next one is April 28, 2018).

President Trump does it EVERY DAY. We should all follow his excellent example. Of course, that would create unemployment for child care workers but one must break eggs to make omelettes.

Say goodbye to any remaining U.S. manufacturing jobs.
Trumps tariffs just dealt the death blow to any remaining U.S. manufacturing capability we still have
.Any company that still manufactures anything here will either be crippled to the point of shutdown or driven offshore to places which which
don't impose these tariffs.
The list of items included in the first round of tariffs, https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/enforcement/301Investigations/List%201.pdf
includes just about everything that any remaining U.S. manufacturers need to produce finished goods.