"Visible"comes into Focus


As soon as someone in my group asks me to pay their bill-- I'm switching groups.

My first Visible line is in a Party with 3 friends.

My second was with a group of 3 strangers who needed "one long-term person to fill the group".

They all left me on the day my bill was due and I had no idea until I was charged $40.

That's why you don't do Party Pay with strangers.

That sucks. My group is with strangers but they are awesome. I got lucky I guess.

With them reducing the mastercard perks I imagine there will be more stability with the parties.

There is some speculation on reddit about what this screenshot means:

Apparently an employee says it is ending before q4 holiday promos begin later on. So maybe something better coming.

Just note there are a couple of employee referral codes that work to get the first month for $20. They may still be active after Sept ends.

I quickly snapped up a swap order for the Moto E6. I'm hoping that they are still in stock at the end of the day so that I can order another one. I don't want 2 of these arriving on the same day because I specifically need to set aside the one I ordered yesterday for activation in around 25 days and the one I'm hoping to order today in around 55 days.

2:40pm Monday: my second order for an E6 went through successfully. I decided not to wait in case E6 stock is depleted. Instead, this 2nd phone is being sent to the address of a nearby rental property.

So now, I am set with unlimited data through December 10ish, while cashing in two crap carrier-locked phones for two new unlocked ones that I can easily re-sell

What's a fair price for a new unopened E6? I'm not a reseller & have one I'll probably never use but an acquaintance was looking for a cheap back up.

I sold 2 on eBay for ~$77 each. But I waited until April to sell them. A lot of people who flooded the marketplace immediately in Feb/March seemed to have gotten less .

Thanks, I was thinking I'd be OK with $60, any less I'd just keep it, so it seems I am in the right neighborhood.

I have seen several resellers in forums saying that after one of these Visible deals, $50-$55 became the default. (And it would be a bargain at that price!) If you're selling it to an acquaintance locally, $60 would be a very good price looking from their side.
A couple of years ago, I sold a friend an unlocked Moto E4, only used for testing, for $60. I was happy, he was happy.

I just discovered that Visible does seem to allow you to port in a number that has previously been on Visible to qualify for swap offers. I had my wife's line on Visible for a month in April and then in May I ported out to AT&T prepaid when I thought their $15 plan would be grandfathered. When AT&T terminated that offer, I ported her to Unreal in July using one of the $20 for 3gb for 3 months sale I acquired on Memorial Day weekend. That plan is going to expire next month and no way am I sticking with them. I decided to see if I could get another E6 and a month of service on Visible by signing my wife back up using a new account. It worked. I just got a notice this morning that another E6 is being shipped.

I'm really surprised they have these on the swap program again. They really must want to clear out stock knowing who is snapping them up and for what reason.

Motorola has had very aggressive pricing at times recently, tied to the intro of newer models. My guess is that Moto made Visible a bulk offer they couldn't refuse, and at that point it didn't matter that Visible's offer got badly abused the last time they offered the E6 on swap.

Tracfone has been featuring the Moto line near the bottom of their pricing for a while, too, on special limited (or not so limited) periods.

Yes you are probably right.

Going via Friend Code Discount - Visible gets you the first month for $20 by the way if you want to save $5. It is an employee referral code. Don't know if the 8% topcashback stacks since it is a special link.

And the $100 BYOD mastercard deal is back. Both could be a drive to boost Q3 numbers as well.

They also upped the GC value for the iPhone SE to $150, although that's still not as good as the $200 that was offered for a couple of months after the SE's original release.

I'm hoping Visible makes the Hot Pepper Ghost a swap phone at some point. The reviews have panned it but I want to be able to try one. Maybe Visible will want to get rid of their inventory if it isn't selling well.

Yes the nimble charging bundle is probably worth more than the free speck case they offered previously though on the se.

Looks like the Moto E6 swap deal they had 3 weeks ago was intended to clear out inventory of "last year's phone," which it did. The E6 is no longer offered even for sale. Instead, Visible now stocks the Moto E.

Now that I think about it, I think the ZTE A10 was offered for swap a few months ago to clear out that inventory as well. It may not have been a mistake.

I would guess that Visible will at some point in the next few months offer the ZTE A7 up for swap again. That one hasn't been available for swap since the A3 came out.

Swaps aren't really that good a deal when there is the $100 byod mastercard deal going. You could buy a $75 phone and byod and come out paying the same. So pick any $75 phone rather than their swap device. $100 if you actually use visible since you get 2 months of service.

The visible blade 10 was a great swap
deal. The e6 was okay but not half the deal some think it was. You are wasting your time to get those to resell.