US Mobile: so far I'm impressed

Since it has become obvious that Twigby has changed for the worst, I am porting my line to US Mobile.

Most worthy of note is that ALL actions at their site seem to require making an account 1st.

After I did that, an order was made for their 'light' plan & SIM starter kit with the $2 fee added for 2-day shipping.
They are sending that out via fedex & I hope to have it soon.

When the order details came up it charged $1.45 rather than $2 & I used their chat to ask why it was different as it seemed to also be charging for the free SIM with a promo credit to wash that away.

Wasted ~30 minutes with someone called Muhammad saying over & over that they were having tech. problems - and I finally gave up waiting.

Called today and the long hold time paid off - the rep told me that just by calling, it is possible for them to send out up to 3 SIM kits with 2 day shipping at ZERO cost, so I asked for 2 more.

Got the port-out PIN from Twigby & now just waiting for the SIM kit to arrive & to do that activation.

So far my biggest gain here is the ability to call them at 878 205 0088, thereby reaching a friendly & helpful rep with good results.

Only time will now reveal the rest.

A happy update:
The SIM kits came - porting in initiated - a little while later an email came saying it completed.

With the new SIM in place, fired up that phone & did both test SMSs & calls.
All went through perfectly.

Looks like it is now time to get my partner's phone over to US Mobile as well.

BTW - they used fedex 2 day for the SIM kits.

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Flawless so far - somehow works better than Twigby did from the town where my partner works.

Worthy of note is that this carrier is offering what appears to be a cellular device which connects to a POTS type phone - mildly similar to the Obi box idea, but no internet required.

Of course the $50 box + $9.99/month will not attract Obi/GV users much, but for actual landline users this may be a good way to get unlimited service minus their local telco.

Worthy of note is that this carrier is offering what appears to be a cellular device which connects to a POTS type phone - mildly similar to the Obi box idea, but no internet required.

Sad to say it only works with T-Mobile (according to chat rep). I would have been interested if it worked with Verizon network. Anyone know of any Verizon MVNO's using these devices to get landline phones for $10 or less?

That offer caught my attention due to the supposed EOL of the GV/Obi box stuff...
At 9.99/month and our lack ot TMobile services here it is a wash.

If/when that EOL comes around I'll most likely either forward to a DID, or get this device:

For us old folks the landline style phones best accommodate our fading abilities to hear.
Another option is the GV Android app + bluetooth earbuds, but that is far more fiddly vs. using a good, loud landline type phone.
(And...we really like those 'old style' phones.)

That cell2jack looks interesting, thanks for posting it.

Our cordless set has Bluetooth to pair with a cellphone (or 2). It's not perfect but serviceable enough.

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I actually have 2 different cordless sets;
The Panasonic has the bluetooth ability, but it isn't very good vs. the AT&T set which has none, but has excellent sound quality, so that is my preferred phone set.

Only the passing of time will reveal what may happen next in the GV/Obi saga & if they sort of forget to make the EOL that'll suit me juuuuust fine !!