Unreal Mobile (Sprint) does mms work on unlimited 2g after LTE is used up?

Has anyone texted pictures after using up their allotted LTE being on the 2g speed with Unreal Mobile? I need to know if the pics will go thru before I recommend Unreal to a friend. Thanks


Why wouldn't it work?


I don't know 'why' it wouldn't work, other than possibly being impacted by Unreal's carrier agreement with Sprint.
See this similar question applied to Tello, where mms does not work on Tello fallback 2G:

I don't have an Unreal account, but perhaps CS would answer the question.
The fallback mentioned in the linked thread is if you're using Google Voice as a forwarding #, which should still receive mms on throttled 2G.

(Oops-- sorry for repeating st3fx's link!)