T Mobile Home Internet

For $50 a month "T-Mobile is starting an invitation-only pilot for in-home internet service on LTE with the goal of connecting up to 50,000 homes this year in rural and underserved areas of the country, laying the foundation for the New T-Mobile’s plans to disrupt the home broadband market." It's being offered by invitation only via email, so I wonder if the invitations will only be sent to current T Mobile customers whose emails addresses are on file with Timo, or through some other method. $50 a month for unlimited data is nice. I want an invitation.

T-Mobile doesn't have good coverage in rural and undeserved areas of the country. It would make sense if T-Mobile comes up with a $50 unlimited hotspot plan to counter attack Verizon $65 prepaid jetpack plan.

I live in a rural and underserved area and T-Mobile has good coverage, here. In fact, we use the hotspot mode, on one of our phones, as our sole home internet.

We connect it to our home network with a wireless bridge.

Three years, so far, and no problems.

T-Mobile also works well in my rural, not many options area. The home internet comes with an LTE router which seems to be cost-free, and the $50 a month is with autopay and $55 without. Plus: taxes and fees are included.