Split-The-Pot Winner's Circle Thread

I won Split-The-Pot today!!!

Congratulations! You've won the CellNUVO Split-The-Pot contest!
On 2018-Jun-21 you had the the winning number: 1438
You have won 7432 Silver.

Each day better and better!

Thank you CELLNUVO!

WOO HOO! I won the Split The Pot jackpot today:

Congratulations! You've won the CellNUVO Split-The-Pot contest!
On 2018-Jun-27 you had the the winning number: 520
You have won 5010 Silver.

Thank you, CellNUVO!!!

Was this the lowest?

I was close to your number arrrrrrrrrrr lol


Well, it might have been the lowest jackpot so far, but it's the biggest one I've ever won! :slight_smile:

Hope you win soon -- good luck!


Happy to report another winner!

Congratulations! You've won the CellNUVO Split-The-Pot contest!
On 2018-Jun-24 you had the the winning number: 3718
You have won 5491 Silver.

Congrats. I missed it by just 10 spots. Sigh. Lol

I won the Split-the-Pot!!

Congratulations! You've won the CellNUVO Split-The-Pot contest!
On 2018-Jul-07 you had the the winning number: 3647
You have won 6711 Silver.

Hello everyone! I just won the 2018-Jul-18 Split-the-Pot with winning number 1158.
I won 9372 Silver!
Keep swiping guys! People like me are winning these pots.

Sigh lol

The reports of intermittent reward is definitely a plus in encouraging people to continue swiping. ;p

Intermittently Pavlovian

A very good night for me on CellNuvo. The Exxon ads are paying for me. I didn't see the non-paying Target ads at all.

Best of all, I've won my first Split-the-Pot game on 7/26/2018. Contest entry 1704 is bringing me 8474 silver!

It looks like my Christmas phone might get here a little early. Thanks, CellNuvo.
Hang in there, everyone who hasn't won yet--I'm rooting for you.

I'm still a non-winner!

Non-winners have the highest probability of becoming first time winners.


It is comforting to be reassured that as a non winner I still have the highest probability of becoming a first time winner.Does this hold true for my being a non winner of the lottery as well?
BTW I participate in neither and am happy that I enjoy the highest probability.:evil: GRINl:
Thanks for bringing us back to Lies Dam Lies and Statistics

EDIT I'll post this in Lies dam lies and statistics. Sorry I didn't mean to go off topic .[/b]

I read an interesting small statistical article once that made the point that one's chances of winning a lottery went up significantly with the first lottery ticket purchased/acquired-- and do not go up significantly with additional purchases until those additional purchases became a significant percentage of total entries. I am sad to share with you, als, that by my reckoning your probability of winning Split-the-Pot remains low. :frowning:

That's quite profound. :wink:

I do not see how statistically this could be true?

It's the wording.

Once you've won, you can never again be a first time winner.

Only people who've never won have a chance of being a first time winner.