Redpocket account

im sure this question was already asked before, but has anyone tried signing up with the redpocket website in order to see account usage ect?

I believe mmfacemm has. Ask him

Confusingly there are two separate "accounts" with redpocket.

If you click login from the homepage in the top right corner - this is for actual customers of redpocket. This area is not related to cellnuvo as far as I can see. I used to have redpocket many years ago. Logging in here gives you all kinds of info about your orders with redpocket like if you bought a sim card.

Then there is the log in which can show you your account status. Which basically is all about the actual line. Cellnuvo users appear to be able to set up an account based on the phone number and MEID of your cellnuvo phone. Redpocket has these details in their systems. It will show:

Wireless number: X
Account Status: Active
Account Plan:$5 Cell Nuvo
Plan Expiration Date :December 31st, 1969
Available Voice Minutes:250
Available Text Messages:2500
Available High Speed Data (MB):250

I don't think there is anything wrong with signing up for that but cellnuvo have not said to so use at your own risk.

Does it reflect your usage of voice text and data?

I think so. I haven't used that phone. The other one I have shows 177 for mins/data.

How about I try using it and see if it changes...

EDIT doesn't look like it reflects usage.

There's a 3rd way to see if your a phone number is associated with a RedPocket plan: Red Pocket Mobile

I'm one of those that jumped the gun and created my account on the site. I'm not sure how often it updates. I'm a very light user but have had a few calls but it's been stuck at the following for 3 days now:

Wireless Number: X
Account Status: Active
Account Plan: $5 Cell Nuvo
Plan Expiration Date : December 31st, 1969
Available Voice Minutes: 247
Available Text Messages: 2478
Available High Speed Data (MB): 247

Well, after cn put my account on complimentary paygo plan my phone call is directed to refill message after I hit 100m data usage.

Well it has been 20 mins and hasn't changed after a 5 min call. Not sure how quickly it updates if at all...

That login has shown the exact same number of texts/minutes/data remaining for 5 days now for the 1 line I still have with CellNuvo. Not sure if it ever updates honestly...

I wonder why it shows less than 250 mins for some people then? Maybe what they had when they registered?

anyone try refill directly to redpocket? $5= howmany minutes and text?

Of course not, how could you have used any minutes in 1969? ;p

My Great Great great grandmother did

Is that rotary dial?

Yes, Her other phone runs the cellnuvo app

lexusl21, my wife knows very little about CellNuvo (other than using it). She wandered in and saw your latest post, and of course I had to go through the entire background explanation. She laughed for 5 minutes, and I love the sound of her laughter.. Thanks!

Anytime kentE

A little laughter goes a long way. When many of us have issues with service.