Red Pocket Mobile Limited Time Sale

Just in time for the holidays is Red Pocket's $23/mo for the YEAR...with 15GB plan! We've gone ahead and pulled the link for you to make things as seamless as possible. $30/Mo Red Pocket Prepaid Phone Plan+Kit: Unlmtd Everything+20GB 5G/LTE | eBay
Interested in another plan, go ahead and visit Red Pocket Mobile - THE RED POCKET UNLIMITED PLANS for more options.

Hi all, first post here but I was around & am "acquainted" with some of you from back in the R+ forum days.

Wanted to mention I saw that redpocket added VZW network to their $195/360 day ($16.25/"month") sale on unlimited talk, text, and 5 GB 4g data, pretty sure that is a soft cap. Sale deal was only offered on Sprint & AT&T initially.

$20/Mo Red Pocket Prepaid Phone Plan+Kit: Unlmtd Everything 8GB 5G/LTE | eBay?

Red Pocket is also offering a one-year 5GB data a month Verizon plan for $16.25 a month.

Does RedPocket include free intl data? T-Mobile and Sprint provides free unlimited '2G' with their plans...

Doesn't look like RP is doing their "usual" BF deal this year...very disappointing.
(I was going to get 2 this time.)

Just saw these BF deals: Am I reading things right with the $10 a month price? What's the catch?

$10/mo is for first month only?

$120/year/each (even if it is the correct pricing for a year) is more than we're likely to spend for services for phones that we don't use much.

The 500 ('essentials') deal is more than enough for our needs and even its current price of 89.99 (times 2) is more than we wish to spend - mostly because they usually put it on sale around now...but haven't (yet ??).

One phone is currently on FU whilst waiting to see if RP makes a great offer (& if not, can stay there...) - and I can easily put the other onto FU whilst still coming out ahead if RP will not be offering any great deals this year.

We simply do not need the 'unlimited' (nor the higher expense) !!

Don't know if you've seen this deal and if you're interested.

RedPocket $2.50 a month one year(360 day plan). Looks as if there are some other discounted RP plans on Ebay.

$2.50/Mo Red Pocket Prepaid Plan: 200 Talk 1000 Text 200MB | eBay ?

We're always looking to provide the best plans at competitive prices. Like our 15GB LTE unlimited plan on eBay, check it out for yourself. $30/Mo Red Pocket Prepaid Plan: UnImtd Everything, GSMA 25GB | eBay

The $30 annual Red Pocket plan is a great deal, but Et-Z needs AT&T or Verizon service, due to odd state regulatory limitations.

Thanks Again Isamorph & KentE !!

Our need is only for GSM/AT&T based (zero data use) & the only deal that really is of interest is that 'essentials' one.
We are quite immune to useless upsells for allotments that we do not need & will not use.

RP :
Crank that essentials deal down to $69.99 (from 89.99) again & you have 2 instant sales to start with, for sure.

Ok how about an extra special discount for users that are currently in a one year plan with redpocket. So an incentive to continue after your one year contract is up .

Also bring back plans that are in between 1gig and 5 gig
ie 3 gig plan

RP has decent (sale/promo) prices on some of the slimmer monthly plans but I'd love to see them offer paygo (a la the old tello rules/rates, or at least 1 year) or one year buckets like TF. For phones used "heavily" but sporadically RP monthly plans with 0 rollover just don't work.

How very sad.
Looks like no further 'encouragement' from our friendly, helpful RP rep is forthcoming here.

Just a thought E_Z. I was wondering if you could get by on the linked 100/100/500 RP plan if you could use some of the 500 Mbps for calling with the GV app, which supposedly only uses 0.20 Mbps, give or take, per minute of calling, or 1 Mbp= 5 minutes worth of calls. So 50 Mbps of your 500 Mbps of data would yield 250 minutes worth of calling if my math is correct.

"Calls using data use approximately 0.2MB of data per minute. The exact amount of data you use depends on your carrier’s network quality and speed."

Thanks for the suggestion Isamorph !!
My situation at present looks likely to have me doing some running around - and given that likely need, the $53 vs. $89 for 5x the allotment may become trivial.

I am just severely disappointed at the non-response (attempted upsell...) by the RP rep here, followed by zilch for 'regular folks' as BF specials.

Sadly, there is really no better deal for cheap voice & SMS only GSM services that I've found or heard of since last year's BF sale that RP had.

Thereby proving that corporations are largely like sharks - all teeth & appetites - but zero brains to speak of & incredibly difficult to kill off - despite how they voluntarily commit suicide when it suits them to do so;
Usually only to reincarnate as multiple, even worse things...!

That plan is available now at a small discount: $82- still above the last-year price you were hoping to see, though.

Too funny - thanks for this pointer KentE !!
Eeek-oh-no-my is VERY important in our situation.

I can just picture their management saying...
"Let's throw 'em a bone & take $7 off & see if that gets us more sales !?!"
(Still, $6.83/Month ain't too shabby - but like you said, it still also ain't what they offered before.)

Agreed--my impression was RP had heard you and decided to punk you. We need to get Mint mobile's Ryan Reynolds involved.