Persistent & Annoying Message

How do I make this stop without signing up for Visual Voicemail?

What phone/carrier is the message from?


I updated the messaging app and now it's almost insisting that I sign up for visual voicemail.

Somewhere along the line they released an update to the website that removed the ability to turn voicemail off. I figured it was likely only a matter of time before that became a problem, and sure enough, I have started getting some voicemails held for ransom. I have not yet tried going to customer service to tell them to turn my voicemail off.

If I try that and they won't do it, I will probably end up paying for a month of it on each of three lines in order to record a voicemail greeting to the effect of "If you leave voicemail, you might as well be talking to a rock; I do not have access to this voicemail box. It is darn near impossible for you to have a legitimate need to reach me and no other way to try, so frankly I don't care."

Many folks in our group having issues with freedompop account! Those who have updated the app have warned us that have not updated to hold off. Issues include inability to make outbound calls, incoming calls going right to v-mail. Reports that both data and text continue to work though.

Just tested, unable to make outbound call.