Of big corpies & returns

Having recently relocated we needed a TP holder as there was none here.

While at home depot I picked up a very simple one of their glacier bay brand.

It served its purpose UNTIL the arm which held the TP sagged such that the rolls would fall off & skitter away when we tried to get some.
(When one is sitting on the pot aimed at doing 'the paperwork' is NOT a time to be chasing a roll of TP across the room !!!)
Tried holding said arm up to superglue it - but the glue didn't stick.

Calling their customer service # brought a long hold time followed by a chat with 'ANGEL' who made more hold time then promised a replacement.

After some weeks had passed, the follow-up call brought a promise of a call-back from a specialist to make it happen as the item was never shipped.

Needing to stop there for just 1 item, the replacement was again attempted with my requesting a refund instead for that bad quality item - which was denied.

So another of the same was given & thus far it has not sagged.

Second here is 2 incidents with the corpy I call 'wallmop'.

1st I tried claiming a refund for their terrible quality 'great value' stuff EXACTLY as promised on the package - and was denied.
HaHa - joke's on me as they have added demands NOT printed on the package to have the receipt, which I hadn't dug out before going.

Next time i made that trip said receipt was brought & refund was finally given...BUT=>

2nd was a $60 shipped item which was clearly used & re-boxed.

The return was set up without delay & fedex picked it up.
They got it on 11/27, but never made the refund as of today (12/13), so their 'support' was again engaged & PROMISED it'd come soon - which I'll believe when I actually SEE it.

Now comes the latest fleabay item which seems to have vanished in shipping, which has been reported with no response seen as of yet.

As much as it galls me to say - the site I refer to as 'evilzon' has been FAR better at easy, prompt replacements & refunds as compared with those above.

A sad state of affairs IMO.