New power generating station testing success

Wave hello to the newest renewable alternative power source

And wave adieu to our dependency on coal. It would appear that these turbines will be unaffected by rising sea levels while helping to lower them at the same time. Given that the planet is 70% + or - covered by oceans, not much of its space would be taken up by these new wave sources of energy in order to satisfy our needs. I just hope not too many people complain about fish getting hit by the turbine blades. On the bright side, seals and other creatures will have a new place to rest their weary souls.

Thank you for the good story find!

Imagine re purposing oil rigs in areas with current with turbines hanging off to generate wave power

Great Scots:

“We have a great resource. It’s Scotland’s terrible weather,” -----The Scottish are at the vanguard of the new order of renewable energy, from using Loch Ness as a mega storage battery to giant wave and wind turbines, they are on course to setting world records. I guess their playbook is based on the silver lining in their great terrible weather, which might be the penultimate example of making do with what you got.