Most Expensive on Earth

Compared to other countries, data in the US is a precious commodity.

Wifi and Mobile Speeds: If I could get 10GB download speed at $35 a month with truly unlimited data, then that would end the mobile/wifi speed discussion for me.

"In October 2018 €30 bought a 4G smartphone plan with truly unlimited volume in 13 countries (up from 10 in April 2018) while €20 bought a 4G smartphone plan with truly unlimited volume in 8 countries (up from 4 in April 2018)."

"US consumers pay “excessive” prices for mobile data, research firm warns, adding that with looming mergers—it could soon get worse."


We get 12-20 Mbps using T-Mobile and it's our only home internet. It's been more than sufficient for us, even with us primarily working from our home-based office.