Just got a chromebook - tips tricks, must haves etc?

Just got a chromebook. What tips, tricks, must have apps etc do you chromebook veterans suggest? Mine has the play store and can run linux. I intended it for financial stuff but might as well explore and have some fun with it too.

Adapter hub for using a mouse, printers, large HDMI monitor, speakers, and so on and so forth.


@mmfacemm, Welcome to the Chromebook club! They are great little laptops, and given that most of them are extremely affordable they seem to be a perfect fit for all of us thrifty types around Nth Circle.

No doubt you are already completely up to speed on all of this, but I, too, do a lot of financial transactions on my computer, so I have used the Avira Browser Safety app ever since I got my first Chromebook. Between it and the native Google Chrome OS, I feel pretty safe from viruses and malware, and I do get warnings from time to time before I open web pages when they look "fishy" to one or the other.

Add in the frequent automatic Chrome updates on your computer and you should be pretty well protected, whether your transactions are local or you're checking up on your Swiss accounts. :slight_smile: Enjoy your new toy!


$16 (code: ODH9EC2D) Aukey 4 in 1 USB type C hub
