How To: Nth Circle Like a Pro

This is a "How To" guide for Nth Circling like a pro!

This is also a public "wiki" page, so anyone can edit this post to contribute additional helpful tips.


The forum editor uses markdown syntax for formatting.


  • Type * (asterisk+space) at the beginning of a line to create a bullet list item.
  1. Type 1. (one+period+space) at the beggining of a line to create a numbered list item.


  • Type *text* to italicize text.
  • Type **text** to bold text.

Heading 1

  • Type # (hash+space) at the beginning of a line to format as Heading 1.

Heading 2

  • Type ## (hash+hash+space) at the beginning of a line to format as Heading 2.

Heading 3

  • Type ### (hash+hash+hash+space) at the beginning of a line to format as Heading 3.

Block Quotes

Type ">" (greater_than) at the beginning of a line to format as block quote.


  • Type `code` (backtick+text+backtick) to format inline code.
  • Type three backticks ``` before and after a code block.


  • Type [link]( to create a link to website url.


  • Type ![alt-text](https://img_url) to insert an image like Nth Circle

Horizontal Rule

  • Type --- at the beginning of a line to insert a horizontal rule.


  1. Type @username in the post
  2. The mentioned user will receive an alert notifying them

Dark Mode

Nth Circle supports dark mode.

  1. Open the profile menu in the upper right.
  2. Click the person icon then Preferences
  3. Click Interface and check the Enable automatic dark mode color scheme option.
  4. Open the "hamburger" menu (three lines) in the upper right.
  5. Click Dark Mode or Light Mode to toggle between modes.
  6. Check the Auto Detect box, if you want the light/dark mode to dynamically change based on your system settings.

Mobile App

Nth Circle can be installed as an app on your mobile phone.


  1. Open the Nth Circle website in Chrome on your Android phone.
  2. Click the three-dots options menu in the upper-right of the browser.
  3. Select Install app.
  4. Nth Circle will be installed as a progressive web app (PWA) on your phone.
  5. Enable push notifications in your Nth Circle settings in order to be notified from Nth Circle.


  1. Open the Nth Circle website in Safari on your iPhone.
  2. Click the options menu button on the bottom center of the browser.
  3. Scroll down and select Add to Home Screen.
  4. Nth Circle will be installed as a progressive web app (PWA) on your phone.
  5. iOS does not currently support notifications for PWAs.

Other Tips? be added