How are you planning to protest Trump's likely indictment?

There's absolutely no possible way Trump could do ANYTHING to embarrass America more than what Biden has done, and continues to do almost daily!

Wrong again!

MTG protest apparently outnumbered by reporters and both outnumbered by counter protestors.

Apparently another Trump supporter was handing out whistles and didn't realize MTG was speaking so her speech was drowned out.

Genius! Only the best!

Oh, and this was one of Trump's supporters:

Georgia case is rumored to go to the Grand Jury early next month That means indictment #2 should happen near the end of May.

Word is going around that they are now talking about increasing security in that area as Trump the Terrorist is expected to act like a mob boss again and get his cult followers to threaten violence.

Trump is worst domestic terrorist this country has ever seen. He needs to be put away for good. It's just a matter of time when it finally happens.

If it happens, it apparently will not just be Trump getting indicted.

Plenty of Republicans worked with Trump to try to steal electoral votes in Georgia and other States as well as to orchestrate the Jan 6 insurrection.

Following is a good explanation of who Ron DeFascist is. After watching this video, you will ask yourself, why can't the sane portion of the Republican take control and choose somebody other than a grifting con-man or a fascist to represent their party?