Hiding Expensive Devices

If I buy a TV for $12,000+, I'd want to see it on full display in order to oogle my expensive device. If I wanted to hide my $500 TV and not have to pay for a $12,000 one that can be hidden, I could just place a remote controlled curtain in front of it, which would make one think there was a window behind it when closed, and click to have the curtain raise to reveal my TV when needed. It would be like theater mode, where the curtain rises before the movie starts. $500+$150 is <+++ $12,000. Then, again, the LG inconspicuous TV is something to behold when it comes out of hiding.

As with all tech, it's simply 'because we can'... :slight_smile:

If you have enough room (and money), you could install your new TV opposite your Kohler commode and you'd be The King Of All Things Tech On The Throne! If that's not possible, here's hoping you have a royally good time wherever you are watching and... the other thing. :slight_smile:

If I could have it all, in our hi-tech era, I would like to have my toilet arise and appear from under the floor, and have my bathroom mirror become a TV, the moment I enter my bathroom, and return from whence they came as I exit the bathroom. Not so oddly, I suspect someone is working on that murphy bed like concept right now.:huh: