February deal for new customers

Just wanted to let everyone know that we're running a special offer for all new customers who join Tello by February 28th:

30% Off the first 3 months with coupon 3XFUN

To get this discount, all you have to do is:

  1. Create your Tello account;

  2. Build your ideal monthly plan - any plan combination goes (this doesn't include Pay As You Go);

  3. Go to checkout, enrol your phone or buy one from us and finalise your order by Feb 28 - the coupon should be automatically applied, but you can also add it manually if it isn't.

Important: Keep the same plan for the 2nd & 3rd months to keep your 30% discount. If you change your plan at any point during these 3 months, the discount won't apply to the new plan.

Thanks - it is great to see all these offers you constantly run. But don't forget your current customers!

I second that! Would love to see some Pay Go promotions like "Add $10, Get $5"

Yes good idea. They had a few of those in the past.

My favorite new customer offer was the sign up and get $10 paygo free.

Many of us here used CellNuvo and built up some CN Gold and would like to use it for service on Tello, maybe you could pass this on to the powers that be and they could get with CN and work out a payment system. So far all payment types in the CN app store have worked, Red Pocket, AT&T, Verizon, T-Moble, and Sprint, there are plenty of users here that would love to see Tello added to this type of payment. Thanks

This has been discussed and the powers that be decided not to get involved with CN or CN Gold.

Isn't it amazing that Christina's surname is the same as the name of the company she works for?


Family Business?

This has been discussed and the powers that be decided not to get involved with CN or CN Gold.
Would rather have given my $10 to $20 per month to Tello than Redpocket.

...and for that reason, I'm out. My Sprint and AT&T accounts don't have a problem accepting payments from CN.

I believe all tello would need to do is accept 3rd party credit card payments now. So as long as they have your tello phone number anyone can make payments into your account. No need for any kind of special partnership.

Like mmfacemm said above, with the improved CN's platform of paying its customers phone bills, CN and other cell carriers have NO need to be in partners with each other. As long as other cell carriers are willing work out details with CellNuvo to enable it to pay the bills on behalf of its customers and have CN add them to the list authorized cell carriers we can use Gold to pay for services, we should be all good. I believe it's a win and win for all! Hopefully management of Tello will rethink as CN now has completely new platform to work with.

Or, alternatively, cellnuvo can pay into my PayPal account so that I can use the cash to pay my tello bills.

Wait a minute, this is not the best for tello because I might use the money to buy Playboy magazines.

Never a dull moment

This is a good observation.
It touches on a recent experience I had with Tello... I recently hoped to pay into a friend's Tello account as a 'thank you', but failed to find a way to do so.. It's possible that the Tello system just isn't set up to receive payments-from-others regardless of the source.

Anti money laundering?

Probably just a feature that costs money to implement. Not many do it so there is little incentive. It tends to be larger companies that have this feature like the big four and América Móvil brands.