Closing tickets without resolving problems

Recently did a top up of 5 gold. Waited 2 days, sent support an email with a screenshot of purchase. Finally got a response. The response was "your ticket has been closed" Gold was still not loaded onto my account. I emailed support back and said "why did you close my ticket when the issue has not been solved?" No answer back. I think the next reply from customer will not say "your ticket has been closed" but rather "CellNuvo has been CLOSED"

I bet the second scenario for 5 golds. Lol

Me too got that case closed email but nothing changed.

which means cellnuvo will close very soon.

My one ticket related to 2 issues (1 device having no data & all devices still having temporary numbers) maintains a PENDING status as of now.

i have a ticket going back a long time... they got a local number to replace my origina number in exchange for 20 golds... i never receive 20 golds though i did get a local number. however, that local number is lost now due to lack of money in the account... my phone has been kicked out of rp.

i have a ticket going back a long time... they got a local number to replace my origina number in exchange for 20 golds... i never receive 20 golds though i did get a local number. however, that local number is lost now due to lack of money in the account... my phone has been kicked out of rp.

Lost after getting a local number and not getting the promised gold;

That is Terrible.

I don't blame cellnuvo because they acted in good faith, however their business plan with to is terrible. When I say rp I don't mean ringplus.


Don't understand "business plan with to".

Cellnuvo should be stewarding your number/Gold/connection through RP.

If you had received your 20 Gold, wouldn't you have money in your account? It seems to me that there is an obligation on Cellnuvo's side to get you connected. You were willing to forego pursuing your rights to have your original number returned to you in exchange for 20 Gold and a functioning connection. You now have neither and your original number was taken from you.

I never got my original number back even though they repeatedly told me they are working on it. Now I also don't have service despite many ticket requests. After weeks all I got was "We are working on your request- will advise as soon as possible. Thank you." Not looking too promising.

To was rp. The phone assumed I wanted to type to instead of rp.

Gold is not money. I have many golds in my account.

After CN responded to my ticket answering questions & I'd confirmed the issue was resolved, they left the status as "waiting for customer". So I replied once more asking them to close the ticket since I didn't see a way to do it on my end and also made suggestion to them to allow customer to "mark as resolved" to which I received another reply "thanks for suggestion" & then they marked it as "Your request status changed to Resolved with resolution Done.."

Guess I should have waited to see if they would have closed it or it may have auto closed after certain period of time after no response from me but I don't like to leave things hanging & didn't see any point in having an open ticket in their system.

I should note I used the ticket system for all my replies rather than email, not sure if that makes difference or not. Could be if someone is replying via email rather than the ticket system, it may not "see" responses & auto close. Just speculating since I don't really know.

edit: Oh and I had 2 separate accounts on same ticket. Gave acct #, phone number, & email for each account.

I have been trying to port out from CN for the last 3 months. CN has been inept at allowing me to do so.

Do you have your original number back? If so I believe redpocket can help with account numbers and pins. Should be easy to port out if everything is on redpocket.

No, I do not have my number back. I have a weird temp number.

That sucks. Best way so far to get one of those back is to get sprint to help you by opening a line with them. I believe they have a 14 day money back thing if you don't want to pay anything. Ting might also be a good place to try porting to - they seem to have some experience with number recovery and are closer in partnership with sprint than most mvnos.

I have had success recovering my original number that CN couldn't by porting to Sprint.
See this thread and this one.