Tello Plans to Convert to GSM

Thank you!

​​​​​​I Have concluded that tello throttle data is useless to me. I can't open a website directed by, and when there is a picture, the website would not open,so I can't use it to look for an apartment . I will switch to t-mobile 5 dollars data plan.l

I don't have either Tello GSM or T-Mobile Prepaid line with fallback 2G data. And I haven't seen reliable user reports from either. has typically good information on plan details, including fallback 2G speeds.
That site lists Tello GSM fallback 2G at 64kbps-- which matches my tests on legacy Tello/Sprint fallback 2G.
That site lists T-Mobile Prepaid's fallback 2G at 128kbps-- still very slow, but twice Tello's listed speed. I don't know if 128kbps is fast enough to load the sites Hungry-Hog needs to access, either.

It's possible that PrepaidCompare's listed Tello speed hasn't been updated since Tello's GSM conversion.
Hungry-Hog, have you run a speedtest on your throttled Tello line? It would be a shame to make the switch only to find that there is no difference in fallback data speed.

How do I run a speed test?
yes, that is why I asked. If TMobile is also slow, no need to move. But 128k is definitely fast enough for me. As to that 64k tello speed, not sure if it is sprint or gsm.

If you got a recent GSM SIM from Tello then you have GSM otherwise you have Sprint. or

Can't even open the version test link due to my low speed data :frowning:

Three SpeedTest results: 0.03/0.05/0.04 mbps, ping about 57-59 sec. result:

I think this is similar to free textnow speed. But textnow does not allow you to visit a website even you are willing to wait.

Come on, I don't even watch video or stream music, I only do some web browsing, but many websites especially those related to housing have very unfriendly large pictures (I believe they do this on purpose to exclude poor men like me from getting an apartment, hey if you can't afford unlimited high speed data you can't afford rent), some assholes even automatically play video for you once you visit their so called fancy pathetic social media websites.

Tello is a good company.
For the same service and price I will pick tello.

Just saw this for T-Mobile $5 data plan:

Taxes and fees additional (including $0.15/line Monthly Regulatory Programs and $1.01/line Telco Recovery Fee)

Thanks for sharing this, Hungry-Hog! I think a bunch of folks (me incliuded) were hoping that Tello/GSM 2g speed would be 128kbps, which seems to be the typical T-Mobile 2G speed. I'll note that PrepaidCompare says that HelloMobile's 2g speed is also 64kbps. Maybe that's the new standard for MVNOs that were previously on legacy Sprint, where 64kbps was the standard 2g speed.

Yes, very disappointed, but $2.5 is not much money to cry over. Besides, t-mobile might cost 7 to 8 dollars due to taxes
and fees .