Relaunch of Nth Circle website

Hi everyone. Here's another update:

There will be an automated data migration of all (or almost all) of the old forum posts. It will happen most likely this weekend, so please expect some website downtime while the migration is underway.

Btw - This is taking a ton of work, but I've taken this project on as a personal technical challenge and I'm too deep down this rabbit hole to turn back now. Who knew I'd ever end up learning Ruby, but I guess that's happening now. It's like showing up 10 years late to a party. :mirror_ball:

I'll have more details to share with everyone soon. There are some peculiarities that will result from the migration, mostly around synchronizing user accounts and restoring image attachments. Everything may not be 100%, but I'll be able to restore most posts to be at least readable. I'll elaborate more once it's all done.

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That's great news! (Except for the ton of work part...) Personally, I don't mind if a lot of the details and extras are lost.
There's a lot of 'nothing' there, and a lot that just isn't relevant anymore. (eg, the boneyard telecoms.) But my favorite thing about forums like this, besides the camaraderie, is that there is so much knowledge and experience gained from a group mind. Of course, if it isn't retrievable, we'll all have the fun of sharing knowledge & experience again.

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Thank you so much for the time and effort to do this. It sounds like a lot of work, and I hope everyone will appreciate the persistence on your part that was required to make this happen!

Can't wait to see the results! Thanks for doing this.

With ETL, the devil is in the details. Presume you are doing this on a separate instance before going into production?

Hi @hungryghost , any recent updates on restoring the old posts? Thanks again!

Hi everyone.

The old forum posts will restored to the new forum this week. Sorry for the delay, but I ran into additional issues while trying to complete the import last week and I didn't have enough time to complete it. I believe I've ironed out the last of the issues now though, so I plan to do the final data migration very soon.

Please expect for Nth Circle to be offline or in "read-only" mode for up to a day, but hopefully only a few hours, once I start the process.


hello all! i seem to be back. at 1st it told me my username didnt exist then told me my name was too long and then sent me an email that i already had an account ( true ). im half posting to see what my name actually comes up and and half posting to say i really like the new look. i havent gone through everything but do like the modern look.