"Price is far above Rubies"

National treasure is found. When Dorothy's ruby slippers were stolen in 2005, a piece of every American's heart was stolen, I guess. How the slippers got from Kansas to Minnesota is beyond my ken. But it stands to reason the so far unnamed perpetrators of this crime were likely descendents of the Wicked Witch of the East. And though these descendents may have thought they were laying claim to what was rightfully theirs, they broke the law and must face the consequences.

"The Wicked Witch was a middle aged, malevolent woman who conquered and tyrannized the Munchkin Country in Oz's eastern quadrant, forcing the native Munchkins to slave for her night and day. Her charmed Silver Shoes (famously changed to magic ruby slippers in the 1939 film musical) held many mysterious powers and were her most precious and prized possession."

The Wiazrd of Oz was written by L. Frank Baum, in 1900 and published as a children's book, in the finest tradition of Jonathon Swift This beloved novel was made into an iconic film, viewed and beloved by many generations....
Long Live and Prosper Ruby Slippers.