Easy way to compare 238 plans from 42 providers

This comparison includes things like what happens when the data cap is reached, 2G speeds, 5G availability, hotspot availability, visual voicemail availability and much more.

Comparison table is here: Airtable - Cell Phone Plan Comparison Chart

Reddit post is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/ivkdul/cell_phone_plan_comparison_chart_update_new_plans/

I would use this in conjunction with https://prepaidcompare.net/

Never heard of Airtable before but I like it.

It looks like all the URL links go to Stetson Doggett's website, BestPhonePlans. He also does a great job on his YouTube channel, where he posts many informative and helpful videos. It's nice to see his work getting more publicity.

He also has a "Deals" page on his website:

I'll remember to buy through his links since that will help support his helpful work.

How about using whistleout.com? or is that a big no-go?

Personally I don't like the Stetson one or whistleout. prepaidcompare.net is the best to use in my opinion. It is the only one you need. The others have too many gaps or are confusing.